• Aftermath,  Books,  Faithless,  Fractured,  General,  Tormented

    New ebook library vendor!

    I am pleased to announce that the entire Fractured series is now available to borrow through the global online library service, Bibliotheca. In order to access this, you will need to download the relevant Cloud Library App from your chosen App store. Click on the link below for more details on how to sign up. www.yourcloudlibrary.com

  • Books,  General

    New Covers

    Hi everyone, After much deliberation, I have decided to change the book covers. The reason why I haven’t done so sooner is because I hadn’t found the perfect design yet. After searching the internet and coming up short numerous times in the past, I gave up hope on some of the designs I found, until I found this little gem recently: designsbyrachelle.com One design in particular caught my attention, and I was impressed and pleased with the quality of the designs and the communication with the illustrator. Rachelle Gould-Harris of designsbyrachelle.com has created a suite of perfect covers. They are beautiful and striking, containing an air of intrigue, but still maintain the integrity…

  • Fractured Book 2,  General,  Tormented


    Please note I have reduced down the following scene from the way it actually appears in the book. Again, it is still subject to change. I stand in the doorway of my former bedroom. Charlie is at my old dresser, looking at the few photos I keep on there. One is of me and Sam when we were just kids. Kids who didn’t know anything about pain. We were completely innocent and carefree. We would eventually learn the hard way. With a little smile, she then picks up the next picture. It was taken when I had been admitted to hospital. Sam had her arm slung around me. The picture…

  • Books,  Fractured Book 2,  Tormented


    Hi all, So, since I am being extremely cruel and making you wait for book 2, over the coming weeks I will be uploading some teasers. To kick off, here is the cover that I am probably going to use. As evident from the partial open door on book 1, I’m quite fond of symbolism. Please note this is subject to change, hence why I have put no title in, although I am still liking the F’s! Please feel free to drop me a line to let me know what you think! Love Elle XX Copyright Elle Charles 2014

  • Books,  Fractured Book 2,  General,  Tormented,  Upcoming Releases

    Fractured 2

    Hi all, Firstly, I have a few new fans – thanks for emailing me with your thoughts on Fractured. I love that the book is gaining an audience and people are embracing it. Secondly, the reoccurring subject is book 2 – so here goes: I have finally decided upon a title of Flawed – I’m quite liking the ‘F’ words (not the naughty ones) for uniformity! Upon looking at it this morning, I am currently up to circa 35 chapters (these are slightly shorter than Fractured, but the word count is roughly the same at 120K). Three of the chapters actually need to be written (or finished to be more accurate) and the rest needs to be…