New Versions of The Fractured Series
It has recently been brought to my attention (w/c 23 July 2018) that the first three novels of the series, plus the novella, contain spelling and grammatical errors.
When I first published these, I was unintentionally complacent, as I think a lot of first time, self-published authors are. That, and the eye really does auto-correct, regardless of how many times you write, re-write, edit and polish your manuscript. Even a second pair of fresh eyes will miss some of these mistakes. However, when these initial mistakes were originally brought to my attention a couple of years ago, I had the novels re-edited and re-submitted to all vendors.
In the last week or so, it has become apparent that the original, unedited versions have somehow been uploaded and distributed to new readers. This is very unfortunate, and I apologise to anyone who has one of these versions.
As soon as this became apparent to me, I resubmitted the newly re-edited, revised editions again.
If you purchase your books from either Apple, Google Play, or Barnes & Noble, you will be able to update your original purchased book and it will re-download the latest version on sale. If you are not informed of the latest update, you will need to archive the book, then upload it again for the updates to take effect. More information on this will be available on the help pages of your chosen vendor’s website.
However, if you purchase books through Kobo, you will be unable to update them. This is their standard policy. I have not queried the validity of this as I use a third party to publish on Kobo, but would suggest if you are a Kobo user and would like an updated version to contact them directly.
For Kindle purchasers, I have been in touch with Amazon and they have declined to send out an email update to all past purchasers of the novels to notify them of the changes. They stated that when ebook files are updated, the reader will lose any annotations, bookmarks or notes they have made. They also confirmed that they only consider a global update when there has been substantial changes made to the original file (i.e. chapters missing, text cut off, wrong file uploaded etc). They do not deem the correction of spelling, punctuation or grammar to be significant. I have asked them to look into this and to pass this information on to their development department as automatic update notifications – in my eyes – should be standard. This would mean that when any author or publisher updates a book, either to make corrections or to add new, exclusive bonus content (which normally means you have to buy the same book all over again), these changes would automatically be made to the edition you purchased.
If you are a Kindle user and would like an updated version, I would strongly suggest contacting Amazon as they are very customer driven, and whereas I probably can’t get the new edition update sent, as a customer, I would hope they value your loyalty enough to update your copy.
In order to ensure you have the most up to date version, on the Copyright page, it will say ‘First Edition; Version 1.3’. Please note, if your version says ‘Third Edition’ and is dated 26 July 2018 (books 1, 2 and 2.5) or 28 July 2018 (book 3), these are also the correct versions. I was swiftly advised that, by industry standards, a book can’t be considered a new edition unless there is an additonal 10% of content added. Either way, the above stated descriptions denote the versions are the latest ones. Sorry for any confusion.
Finally, again, I would like to apologise to anyone who has experienced issues with the novels.
Please feel free to drop me a line if you wish.