Teaser time!
So, as promised, below is a short snippet from book 2. Please note this is subject to change. I will be putting book 2 up for pre-order on Amazon in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for it, but until then: The DJ changes the song and the upbeat tempo seems to have everyone gravitating towards the dance floor. I look down at my heels, wondering if I should just kick them off and have done with it. I feel his eyes on me and I look up. “That reminds me…” With one hand on his hip, he looks me up and down. Appraising my appearance silently, he…
Fractured 2
Hi all, Firstly, I have a few new fans – thanks for emailing me with your thoughts on Fractured. I love that the book is gaining an audience and people are embracing it. Secondly, the reoccurring subject is book 2 – so here goes: I have finally decided upon a title of Flawed – I’m quite liking the ‘F’ words (not the naughty ones) for uniformity! Upon looking at it this morning, I am currently up to circa 35 chapters (these are slightly shorter than Fractured, but the word count is roughly the same at 120K). Three of the chapters actually need to be written (or finished to be more accurate) and the rest needs to be…
The significance of reviews
There is much debate on many of the author forums with regard to this subject, and whether or not there is any significance in reader reviews. As you may, or may not know, anyone that contacts me, I generally ask them to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads (provided they have an account with the site). The only reason I ask this, is that it helps potential new readers gain insight into another’s unique reading experience, and thus assists in gaining a new author exposure. Regardless of what many may say, reviews do generate a new audience and a following, and they also determine whether or not someone will…
Fractured 2
Hi everyone, Firstly, many thanks to all who have emailed me and shown an interest in ‘Fractured’. Your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated and very overwhelming. Also, to anyone who has emailed me or contacted me on FB, and if I haven’t responded, please do not take this personally. I work a normal Monday to Friday 9 to 5 and don’t always check. Secondly, an update regarding book two. Unfortunately, I am unable to give specific dates as I feel that, as a reader myself, when I read a book is going to be out and isn’t, it’s false hope and the author loses credibility. There are a few factors that…
Is this working?
Hi all, So this is my first ever post on my new site. I will be making a conscious effort to update this regularly with updates of future releases etc. Please feel free to get in touch using the details listed on the contacts page. Best wishes, Elle X